WordPress Will Require Users to Have HTTPS This Year
Why is WordPress Pushing HTTPS?
Theres mainly two reasons for this, so lets quickly dive into them.
Google Prefers It
It is no secret that greater encryption and cyber security has made the Internet a safer place for users. As usual, a Google update signaled the necessity of HTTPS for user experience, SEO and internet security.
In 2014, Google suggested that enabling HTTPS on your site could result in higher search rankings. Although it still isnt the only important factor in raising your site rankings, you shouldnt underestimate its value. For example, if two sites are equal in all ways, but one site has HTTPS, that site would get a boost in rankings.
Chrome will display a green padlock in the link bar when a site is using HTTPS, assuring users it’s using the latest security protocol.
Chrome will display a green padlock in the link bar when a site is using HTTPS, assuring users its using the latest security protocol.
In January of this year, Google released version 56 of Google Chrome. This new release brought about some changes, notably with how Google Chrome treats HTTPS vs. HTTP sites. The browser now clearly identifies sites that are not operating HTTPS on their systems. For example, a Not Secure message now appears on pages without HTTPS that try to collect passwords or sensitive information. You can expect that, eventually, all pages not using HTTPS will clearly be labeled as having insecure connections.
We can reasonably assume that Googles preference for HTTPS has been a contributing factor for the changes implemented by WordPress.
Users Prefer HTTPS Too
A secure connection can make all the difference from a users perspective. Users see HTTPS as a positive signal that you are taking your site security seriously, for their benefit. So, having HTTPS could mean more traffic and longer usage times on your site.
HTTPS is particularly important if you are operating an e-commerce site. Simply seeing the padlock icon could make users more comfortable in entering their payment details and other personal information. Particularly with the new Chrome update (mentioned earlier) which shows a Not Secure label on e-commerce sites or sites that require a user login or credit card information, but dont have HTTPS.
Both Google and user preference should be enough reason for you to upgrade your site to HTTPS. It is simply necessary to ensure watertight security for your users and to protect your online business reputation.
Sites that require users to login or enter credit card information are now displayed as “Not secure” in Chrome when they haven’t switched to HTTPS yet.
Sites that require users to login or enter credit card information are now displayed as Not secure in Chrome when they havent switched to HTTPS yet.
Remember when JavaScript was first introduced and quickly embraced by users and webmasters? Looking back, we can see now that JavaScript was essential for smoother and better user experience. HTTPS similarly, presents a number of unique advantages for user experience and security that we should all quickly embrace.
We know that you may be overwhelmed switching from HTTP to HTTPS. After all, change does takes time to get used to, but in this instance, you may need to quickly get on board. At this point, the advantages of HTTPS have greatly outnumbered the disadvantages. Plus, upgrading to HTTPS is no longer the costly, time consuming, and difficult process that it once was. In fact, getting an SSL certificate in 2017 is fast, sometimes free, and quite easy to implement.
Call HavilahMedia Group at 239.435.3989 for any help you may need in purchasing and installing an SSL Certificate.